This Chapter presents the findings on the impact of HIV/AIDS
on agricultural production. The impact of HIV/AIDS is analysed on the
basis of
the 3 categories (i) crop farming, (ii) livestock farming, and (iii)
Most studies, which have been carried out on the impact of HIV/AIDS on
economy in general, have tended to focus on crop farming with less
attention on
livestock farming. In this study attempts were made to analyse the
impact of
HIV/AIDS on livestock farming.
The socio-economic dynamics in fishing communities unlike in crop and livestock farming communities make them more susceptible to HIV infection, and the impact of the epidemic. The impact of HIV/AIDS on fishing can, first and foremost, be appreciated by examining the basic characteristics of household members involved in fishing in the lake.
Tubers such as cassava, yams, sweet potatoes etc, which seem not to be much labour intensive such as bananas (matooke) were the dominant food crops in all districts except Mbarara. Legumes such as beans, groundnuts, peas were the second dominant crops followed by cereals. In areas of Mbarara and Rakai, which are matooke growing areas, it is becoming evident that HIV/AIDS has had its toll as only less than a half of the households in respective areas reported matooke as their dominant food crop.
In the four districts, there were no marked cash crops. The food crops doubled as crops for sale, but also among few households. Most households, which, sold off crops mainly cereals (rice, millet, and maize), were in Lira and Iganga. In the districts of Mbarara and Rakai very few households had crops to sell.
As a proxy indicator of the impact of HIV/AIDS, respondents were asked whether there were certain crops, which they used to grow, but were no longer growing in the last 10 years preceding this study. Several households (64.8%) indicated that there were certain crops, which they used to grow in the past, but were no longer growing. Most of these households (i.e., over a tenth, 12.8% had stopped growing cereals such as millet, sorghum, maize etc. The dominant reason for not growing such crops was cited to be lack of labour in almost a fifth of the sampled households (19.2%). In a few households it was as due to pests and diseases as a result of poor management, infertile soils and lack of market.
In a situation where there are small landholders, it would be expected that much if not all the land would be under cultivation in crop growing communities. However, the study findings revealed that a big proportion of the households (60.1%) had unused land or gardens that had reverted into bush due to lack of manpower. When this was cross tabulated by districts, majority of such households were in Lira (82%) and Rakai (64%) districts.
Social maps drawn by community members in Lira indicated a number of households than had been affected by HIV/AIDS related deaths, with gardens that had reverted to bush. Households with unused land that was formerly under cultivation attributed it to lack of labour, lack of money to hire labour and conversion of cultivable land into grazing pastures etc.
A number of factors, all related with HIV/AIDS explain the general pattern/trend of decreased agricultural production such as depletion of labour force and increased workload due to increased dependency burden, loss of skills and knowledge, and income disruption.
Several studied households (66.9%) mentioned shortages of labour to be behind decreased agricultural production in their households. In almost a fifth of the sampled households, labour shortages were directly linked to HIV/AIDS related deaths.
Accordingly, AIDS undermines agricultural systems, affects the nutritional situation and food security of rural families. Families face declining productivity as well as loss of knowledge about indigenous farming methods and loss of assets (Focus, 2001). FAO estimates that in the 25 most-affected African countries, AIDS has killed seven million agricultural workers since 1985. It is forecasted that 16 million people will die of AIDS in the next 20 years. Labour intensive farming systems with a low level of mechanisation and agricultural input are particularly vulnerable to AIDS. Given the fact that AIDS is concentrated among the 15 - 45 years old, who are most able bodied, then agriculture suffers most in terms of production and market for the accruing products.
For women who are the main producers generally shoulder the burden of caring for the sick. This diverts their energies from agricultural production and general work that would provide income. The result is household food insecurity, declining nutrition and health. Thus, the decline in women's contributions to agriculture, as a result of their own illness or that of family members, reduces agricultural productivity and household food security. This is especially devastating given women's key role in the agricultural work force and in the production of most subsistence food crops.
Labour loss and depletion as a result of HIV/AIDS partly occurs due to high dependency burden, coupled with structural changes in family structure. Situations where frail grandparents are increasingly assuming roles of able-bodied persons to care for the children of their late sons and daughters are common. In such households, food production declines, and the family becomes perpetually food insecure. A household case in Ngara area, Nyakayejo illustrates the point.
The above case illustrates how HIV/AIDS has changed the family
structure, with frail grandparents assuming responsibilities of "fathers
mothers", but yet cannot meaningfully execute such roles of fending for
family. The case also points to occurrences of food insecurity among
affected households and psychological trauma. When the grandparent is
preoccupied with "what will happen" to his grandchildren after his
death, it
points to, among others, the need for psychosocial support, and
programmes to help such families.
The relationship between change of family structure as a result of HIV/AIDS and reduction in agricultural production is more evident in this study as all households headed by grandparents or children themselves, reported decreased agricultural production.
Declined agricultural production and consequently food insecurity were markedly prevalent in grandparent and child headed households than in other households. A case of a grandmother headed household illustrates the trend of agricultural production in such households.
The above case shows how changes have occurred in family
structure due to HIV/AIDS and the attendant consequences of decreased
agricultural production. This finding is supported by findings from
sources. For instance, according to UAC (March 2001), Uganda has the
proportion of AIDS orphans in the whole world. By the end of 1999 UAC
that over 1.7 million children below 15 years had lost one or both
parents to
However, a dimension in the above case that did not feature in the case of Paulo in Mbarara is weevil/disease infestation due to poor management of gardens. Some of these diseases were as a result of poorly or unattended gardens/banana plantations due to labour depletion resulting from of HIV/AIDS. Some of the diseases and pests included banana steak virus mainly in Kyotera county, coffee wilt, beans bacterial, fungal and viral, sweet potato caterpillars and cassava green mites etc. Cassava mosaic which used to be a problem in most areas was reported to be on the decrease due to the introduction of new resistant/tolerant varieties from the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). Also in the above case, a new dimension of selling the family property such as land in order to cope with the new demands arising from HIV/AIDS emerges.
A lot of literature points to similar situations in several parts of the country that have been hard hit by HIV/AIDS. For instance, FAO (2001) summarised the impact of AIDS on a once wealthy rural agricultural community of Gwanda in Rakai district. HIV/AIDS was reported to have resulted into loss of labour, poor land use, increased pests and plant diseases, livestock decline and food insecurity. All these put together have resulted into massive poverty, and undermining of sustainable development. Apart from reduction in incomes accruing from the agricultural sector, decline in food production which, culminates into food insecurity has adverse impact on PLHA in particular. Decline in production of local foods implies that the nutritional requirements for PLHA are not met, which affects their life span.
Further, the affected and afflicted family, and the wider community feel the impact of HIV/AIDS through reduced agricultural production. Culturally, when death occurs in most parts of Uganda, community members take off time for burial and in some instance observing the mourning period i.e., not attending to their gardens. Eeven in majority households where a member had not died in the last 10 years, reported decreased food production.
Both quantitative and qualitative data revealed that as a result of HIV/AIDS, crop-farming households were faced with the following:
The socio-economic dynamics in fishing communities unlike in crop and livestock farming communities make them more susceptible to HIV infection, and the impact of the epidemic. The impact of HIV/AIDS on fishing can, first and foremost, be appreciated by examining the basic characteristics of household members involved in fishing in the lake.
4.1. Impact of HIV/AIDS on crop farming
The impact of HIV/AIDS on the agricultural sector is quite visible in districts that have been hard hit by the epidemic. This has far reaching implications since agriculture accounts for 43% of GDP, 85% of export earning and 80% of employment. In addition, 85% of the estimated 22 million Uganda's total population live in rural areas and depend mainly on agriculture (GoU, 2000). Since most agricultural activities take place in rural areas, where farmers mainly using labour intensive techniques live, and have been much vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, it has resulted into decline of agricultural production in general, and food production in particular. Many communities whose source of income, food and general livelihood is agriculture have registered negative growth due to HIV/AIDS. In this study, empirical data on the impact of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production is analyzed.Type of crops
In all the 4 districts, farmers were small landholders, majority owning less than 8 acres of land, and using labour intensive techniques in their cultivation; a hoe, pang and axe. Most of the households were growing crops on small portions of land, while big portions of land were not cultivated. Most of the crops both for food and sale were labour intensive crops, most susceptible to HIV/AIDS.Tubers such as cassava, yams, sweet potatoes etc, which seem not to be much labour intensive such as bananas (matooke) were the dominant food crops in all districts except Mbarara. Legumes such as beans, groundnuts, peas were the second dominant crops followed by cereals. In areas of Mbarara and Rakai, which are matooke growing areas, it is becoming evident that HIV/AIDS has had its toll as only less than a half of the households in respective areas reported matooke as their dominant food crop.
In the four districts, there were no marked cash crops. The food crops doubled as crops for sale, but also among few households. Most households, which, sold off crops mainly cereals (rice, millet, and maize), were in Lira and Iganga. In the districts of Mbarara and Rakai very few households had crops to sell.
As a proxy indicator of the impact of HIV/AIDS, respondents were asked whether there were certain crops, which they used to grow, but were no longer growing in the last 10 years preceding this study. Several households (64.8%) indicated that there were certain crops, which they used to grow in the past, but were no longer growing. Most of these households (i.e., over a tenth, 12.8% had stopped growing cereals such as millet, sorghum, maize etc. The dominant reason for not growing such crops was cited to be lack of labour in almost a fifth of the sampled households (19.2%). In a few households it was as due to pests and diseases as a result of poor management, infertile soils and lack of market.
In a situation where there are small landholders, it would be expected that much if not all the land would be under cultivation in crop growing communities. However, the study findings revealed that a big proportion of the households (60.1%) had unused land or gardens that had reverted into bush due to lack of manpower. When this was cross tabulated by districts, majority of such households were in Lira (82%) and Rakai (64%) districts.
Social maps drawn by community members in Lira indicated a number of households than had been affected by HIV/AIDS related deaths, with gardens that had reverted to bush. Households with unused land that was formerly under cultivation attributed it to lack of labour, lack of money to hire labour and conversion of cultivable land into grazing pastures etc.
Trend/pattern of agricultural production
Household respondents were requested to comment on the household's agricultural production in the last 10 years so as to link with possible effects of HIV/AIDS. Majority of the household respondents (76.9%) revealed that their respective households had experienced decreased agricultural production in the last 10 years.A number of factors, all related with HIV/AIDS explain the general pattern/trend of decreased agricultural production such as depletion of labour force and increased workload due to increased dependency burden, loss of skills and knowledge, and income disruption.
Several studied households (66.9%) mentioned shortages of labour to be behind decreased agricultural production in their households. In almost a fifth of the sampled households, labour shortages were directly linked to HIV/AIDS related deaths.
Accordingly, AIDS undermines agricultural systems, affects the nutritional situation and food security of rural families. Families face declining productivity as well as loss of knowledge about indigenous farming methods and loss of assets (Focus, 2001). FAO estimates that in the 25 most-affected African countries, AIDS has killed seven million agricultural workers since 1985. It is forecasted that 16 million people will die of AIDS in the next 20 years. Labour intensive farming systems with a low level of mechanisation and agricultural input are particularly vulnerable to AIDS. Given the fact that AIDS is concentrated among the 15 - 45 years old, who are most able bodied, then agriculture suffers most in terms of production and market for the accruing products.
For women who are the main producers generally shoulder the burden of caring for the sick. This diverts their energies from agricultural production and general work that would provide income. The result is household food insecurity, declining nutrition and health. Thus, the decline in women's contributions to agriculture, as a result of their own illness or that of family members, reduces agricultural productivity and household food security. This is especially devastating given women's key role in the agricultural work force and in the production of most subsistence food crops.
Labour loss and depletion as a result of HIV/AIDS partly occurs due to high dependency burden, coupled with structural changes in family structure. Situations where frail grandparents are increasingly assuming roles of able-bodied persons to care for the children of their late sons and daughters are common. In such households, food production declines, and the family becomes perpetually food insecure. A household case in Ngara area, Nyakayejo illustrates the point.
Case 1: Food Insecurity in a Grandfather Headed
Household Paulo, a widower aged 80 years old lives in Ngara village, Nyakayejo Sub-county in Mbarara district with 5 grandchildren who are orphans aged 5,7,8, years who were left behind by his daughter and a son who died of AIDS. Paulo narrates, "I used to be self-reliant, hardworking, supplemented my little income from farming with carpentry work, but when my children died, leaving behind children and nobody else to take them up except me, my life changed. I am not only a grandfather to these children, but a father and a mother at this advanced age.... I am now sick and cannot afford to dig or to do carpentry work any more after an operation I underwent, coupled with old age. It puts me in great pain, for I don't know what will happen to these children once I die as they all depend on me". The old man has a banana plantation, but the biggest part is overgrown with weed due to lack of enough manpower. Together with the orphans, they cannot carry out meaningful cultivation even though the orphans are not attending school. There has been sharp reduction in food for consumption available for the family as the old man continued narrating, "even now when I am still alive, we do not have enough to can see that young one (pointing to the youngest orphan) is gloomy not because he is sick or has been punished, but because he has not eaten anything since morning". As a coping mechanism, the household feeds on one meal (supper) a day, and take some local porridge for lunch. |
The relationship between change of family structure as a result of HIV/AIDS and reduction in agricultural production is more evident in this study as all households headed by grandparents or children themselves, reported decreased agricultural production.
Declined agricultural production and consequently food insecurity were markedly prevalent in grandparent and child headed households than in other households. A case of a grandmother headed household illustrates the trend of agricultural production in such households.
Case 2: Declined agricultural production and food
insecurity in a grandmother headed household Agellina, a widow and grandmother aged 65 years old lives in Kakuto Parish, Kigayaga village, Rakai district. In a small mud and wattle iron roofed house, lives 10 people (4 males and 6 females), 8 of whom aged below 14 years old. All the nine other members of the household are her grandchildren who were orphaned by AIDS. Agellina had produced 4 children, three of whom died of HIV/AIDS related illnesses in 1990s together with their spouses, leaving behind 9. Six of her grandchildren including the eldest who is 14 years old have dropped out of school partly due to lack of other school necessities (i.e., save for tuition, which is covered under Universal Primary Education), and to supplement the grandmother's failing input on the small banana plantation. The family depends on a small plantation for it food requirements and beans grown in the banana plantation. The family has some land of 2.5 acres reserved for cultivation, but can only cultivate less than an acre. According to Angellina "the family does not have labour to tend to both the plantation and the garden of beans", and hence have been exposed to weevil and pest infestation. The family has witnessed declined food production and consumption as well. The children playing in the courtyard looked hungry and malnourished. The grandmother in touching emotions observed, "we only have one meal a day, and also not adequate...we let the small ones first eat...a type of life that they were not used to". Angellina is planning to sell part of 2.5 acres of land so as to raise some income for meeting the basic necessities including food for the family. |
However, a dimension in the above case that did not feature in the case of Paulo in Mbarara is weevil/disease infestation due to poor management of gardens. Some of these diseases were as a result of poorly or unattended gardens/banana plantations due to labour depletion resulting from of HIV/AIDS. Some of the diseases and pests included banana steak virus mainly in Kyotera county, coffee wilt, beans bacterial, fungal and viral, sweet potato caterpillars and cassava green mites etc. Cassava mosaic which used to be a problem in most areas was reported to be on the decrease due to the introduction of new resistant/tolerant varieties from the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). Also in the above case, a new dimension of selling the family property such as land in order to cope with the new demands arising from HIV/AIDS emerges.
A lot of literature points to similar situations in several parts of the country that have been hard hit by HIV/AIDS. For instance, FAO (2001) summarised the impact of AIDS on a once wealthy rural agricultural community of Gwanda in Rakai district. HIV/AIDS was reported to have resulted into loss of labour, poor land use, increased pests and plant diseases, livestock decline and food insecurity. All these put together have resulted into massive poverty, and undermining of sustainable development. Apart from reduction in incomes accruing from the agricultural sector, decline in food production which, culminates into food insecurity has adverse impact on PLHA in particular. Decline in production of local foods implies that the nutritional requirements for PLHA are not met, which affects their life span.
Further, the affected and afflicted family, and the wider community feel the impact of HIV/AIDS through reduced agricultural production. Culturally, when death occurs in most parts of Uganda, community members take off time for burial and in some instance observing the mourning period i.e., not attending to their gardens. Eeven in majority households where a member had not died in the last 10 years, reported decreased food production.
Both quantitative and qualitative data revealed that as a result of HIV/AIDS, crop-farming households were faced with the following:
- Loss of time
- Labour shortages
- Selling household property
- Loss of knowledge and skills
- Exhaustion of funds
- Land and property grabbing
- Increased dependants